Crew Recruitment

The key success of a pleasant navigation and excellent service.

Due to our years of experience in the luxury charter yacht sector, we are aware of the fact that the crew onboard your yacht is key to the success of pleasant navigation and excellent service for those who enjoy charter yachts or for owners that make private use of their boat.

This is why motivated by the success of our advice to assign crew members for our clients’ yachts, we decided to extend our service portfolio and create a base of Captains, officials, deckhands, chefs and stewardesses, all of them carefully selected to ensure the maximum professionalism on board your yacht.

The process we follow to find the adequate crew is created with four main guidelines for either charter or private yachts.

  • Discuss and clarify the yacht characteristics with the owners and visit each yacht whenever it is possible.
  • Understand the required on board services, such as languages fluency, knowledge of the usual navigation areas of your yacht, need of temporary or permanent crew.
  • Filter our crew base, all of them professionals with valid navigation qualifications and licences to provide services on board, by those who make the best match for the requirements of each owner and yacht.
  • Provide our clients with the profile of those that match the criteria and allow owner and crew members to get to know each other and to ensure that, apart from meeting all professional requirements, there is a sense of good personal relationship, which will be necessary for either charter or private yachts.

With the guarantee that we recognise the importance of having the appropriate staff on board and that we offer a follow up of those crew members that we help you select, at Charter & Dreams we are delighted to offer our Crew Management service and advice when you are looking for the appropriate crew for your yacht.

Shortlisted Yachts